Cara Delevigne gets candid about depression
She also talked about how she has tried to reach out.

Life has not been easy for model-turned-actress Cara Delevigne. In an interview with the magazine The Edit, the 25-year-old opened up about how she has had to struggle with her mental health. She revealed, “I hated feeling depressed, I hated that feeling. I was very good at disassociating from emotion completely. And all the time I was second-guessing myself, saying something and then hating myself for saying it. I didn’t understand what was happening apart from the fact that I didn’t want to be alive anymore.”
She also talked about how she has tried to reach out. She said, “When I tried to talk to people about it, they wouldn’t want to understand. So many of my friends would say: ‘But you’re so lucky,’ and I’d be like: ‘I know I’m the luckiest girl in the world and I wish I could appreciate it.”
She confesses that although now she is working on learning to be happy on her own, she used to “rely too much on other people to make me happy, and I needed to learn to be happy by myself. So now I can be by myself. It took me a long time.”