Jennifer Lawrence throws up during Olivia Wilde's play reports that a friend of Jennifer told Page Six, She caught the stomach flu from her nephews.

Jennifer Lawrence apparently got sick and threw up while watching Olivia Wilde’s new play 1984!
Page Six reports that the 26-year-old Oscar winning actress “bolted from her seat” and got “very sick” in the lobby halfway through the show on Monday night.
Since the play hit the stage last month, many members from the audience have been fainting and throwing up due to graphic scenes of torture, strobe lights and loud noises.
After the incident, Olivia took to Twitter and wrote, “As long as I have a play, Jennifer Lawrence has a place to puke. #honored #getwellsoon #iloveyou #1984onBarfway #spewbagsnotincluded.” Wilde had also tweeted about this back in May. “Thank you! Sending my love to those 4 people who fainted in the audience," the actress wrote. "Warning: this is not your grandma’s Broadway. Hope all are ok!”
However, reports that a friend of Jennifer told Page Six, “She caught the stomach flu from her nephews.”