Orphan Black movie after series finale?
If there was some story that we really wanted to tell that fit in the Orphan Black universe and it was vital, says Tatiana Maslany.

Actress Tatiana Maslany opened up about the show Orphan Black series finale recently.
“We’ve had such a good run with clone club and it’s been the whole reason people have watched the show, so I don’t know what that’s going to look like in the future,” Tatiana said, according to JustJared.com. “It’s all been so moving. This fan base has been so supportive and fans across the world have been supporting each other and taking care of each other. That’s just the coolest thing.”
When asked about a possible spin-off series or movie, she said “If there was some story that we really wanted to tell that fit in the Orphan Black universe and it was vital, different and new, then that would be super cool,” Tatiana said, adding, “But we finished this before it trailed on too long so hopefully it left people wanting more as opposed to being like, ‘Thank God that’s over.’”