In my 20s, I thought it was cool to say I was a guys' girl: Anna Faris post split with Chris Pratt
The actress reveals how she didn't realize until later how lame she sounded, bragging as though having a lot of girlfriends was a bad thing.

Washington D.C.: Hollywood actress Anna Faris does not believe that husbands should be their wives' best friends.
In Cosmopolitan's latest 'On My Mind' column, that was adapted from her new book 'Unqualified', the 40-year-old actress admitted that being a "guys' girl" is totally overrated, noting that having a group of close girlfriends is extremely valuable, reports E! Online.
She wrote, "In my 20s, I thought it was cool to say I was a guys' girl. I didn't realize until later how lame I sounded, bragging as though having a lot of girlfriends was a bad thing. I touted my male friends as if my association with them spoke to how cool I really was. I was selling my own gender down the river, and I wasn't even getting any fulfillment from the relationships with those dudes."
Faris admitted that she often hung out around guys due to her jealousy over other women and her lack of trust stemming from high school bullying.
"Back then, I thought that having the approval of my stoner guy friends was of greater value than having the approval of beautiful blonde sorority girls," she noted.
The author and actress goes on to state that she feels lucky today to have "a handful of women I count as confidantes" these days, but understands that it took her longer to appreciate the importance of these relationships because of negative experiences with groups of girls when she was younger.
"Today, I'm lucky to have a handful of women I count as confidantes. To be honest, I think the notion of best friends in general is messed up though. It puts so much pressure on any one person, when I truly believe it's okay to have intimacy with different people in different ways," she concluded.