Handsome is as handsome does: Hrithik Roshan
Good looks should never become a part of your internal character. To not care about how you look will make you look even more attractive.

A global online survey on the portal worldstopmost.com has announced Hrithik Roshan as the third most handsome face in the world, next to Tom Cruise and Robert Pattinson. The reactions to the new title...
What does it feel like to be chosen the third most handsome man in the world next only to Tom Cruise and Robert Pattinsen?
Well handsome is as handsome does . I am honored of course. This is a compliment, not an achievement.
Good looks should never become a part of your internal character. To not care about how you look will make you look even more attractive.
It is an incredible honour for our entertainment industry …do you agree?
To be counted in the world’s top 10 of anything gets eyeballs, so in that regard yes. It’s good.
How do you react to compliments?
I react to them like one should — I smile and say thank you. Neither do I reject it, nor revel in it.
You’ve debunked the myth that good looking people can’t act...
Every single good actor has broken that myth. Mr Dilip Kumar, Mr Amitabh Bachchan, Marlon Brando and Brad Pitt are lookers and shakers.
What, according to you, is the hallmark of handsomeness?
What makes you good looking is how you are expressing yourself and that comes from how you are interpreting life.