
The wife is always right

Anil has a rather sweet arrangement with his wife.

It doesn’t matter if you’re just a regular guy or a film star, the rule is, the wife is always right. Anil Kapoor reveals that it’s he who has to apologise to his wife Sunita after an argument.

“Who doesn’t fight with his wife? Arguments and misunderstandings between husbands and wives are a common occurrence, but we need not take tension about such things. My wife keeps fighting with me, but it’s me who has to go and beg her pardon because I believe in reconciliation,” says the happy-go-lucky actor.

Anil has a rather sweet arrangement with his wife. “Sunita and I have decided whenever we have our skirmishes, we have to reconcile before going to bed. We have to become friends again, and only then fall asleep. I do not have any ego in me. I am always the one who unhesitatingly apologises. There is no point in wasting time, and I hate holding on to any kind of stress,” he says.

“Some of my friends remind me that I am a hero and that I need to throw some tantrums, but I have no ego at all. I have been brought up like a common man since childhood. Yes, if I get what I want, I feel happy about it, but I keep my dreams under control,” the actor adds.

His last release, Race 3, hasn’t gone down too well with the audience and critics. Why would the actor agree to do such a film, we wonder. “For the money,” he says candidly, adding, “Whenever I sign a film, I obviously think of the amount of money that it will fetch me. Acting is my profession, it earns me my daily bread and butter. If I do not give importance to earning enough money, how will I run my kitchen? My wife will never allow me into the house if I do not earn money, so it’s important to me.”

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