
'Abhinandan', 'Balakot', 'Pulwama' in demand; Producers fight to register movie title

According to a report in Huffingpost, the names on top of the lists are 'Balakot', Pulwama, Abhinandan - the pilot captured by Pakistan.

Mumbai: Ever since Vicky Kaushal's film 'URI: The Surgical Strike' made solid business at the box-office, Bollywood producers are showing more interest in making 'patriotic' films.

The recent crisis between India and Pakistan over the Pulwama attack and India's subsequent surgical strike on Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp Balakot, have sent Bollywood producers in a tizzy to book these names for upcoming films. According to a report in Huffingpost, the names on top of the lists are 'Balakot', Pulwama, Abhinandan - the pilot captured by Pakistan, and who will be released on Friday.

Balakot was the Jaish-e-Mohammed's biggest and poshest training camp. It had facilities for nearly 600 men with a swimming pool and gym. In an early morning strike on Tuesday, Indian jet destroyed Balakot and two other terrorist camps inside Pakistan territories.

Abhinandan Varthaman is the name of Indian Air Force pilot who was captured by Pakistan army on February 27. Since then people in India have been praying for his return. Pakistan PM Imran Khan himself confirmed that they will release Abhinandan on March 1.

Huffingpost reported that February 26 was a busy day at the Indian Motion Pictures’ Producers’ Association (IMMPA) office in Andheri in Western Mumbai. Representatives of at least 5 different production companies rushed to reserve jingoistic movie titles for films that they hoped to make in the future.

The report further stated a person who was present at the office described the scene as “a khichdi,” saying producers fought to register titles like Balakot, Surgical Strikes 2.0 and Pulwama Attacks. Many of them even want variations in the titles.

According to data provided by the trade magazine Complete Cinema, after Pulwama terror attack, titles like Pulwama Pulwama: The Surgical Strike, War Room, Hindustan Hamara Hai, Pulwama Terror Attack, The Attacks of Pulwama, With Love, From India, and ATS - One Man Show have been registered.

Now let's see who will get 'Pulwama', 'Balakot' and 'Abhinandan' titles.

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