
Merit more important than box office, says Farah Khan

Farah is worried about how people are not bothered about the quality of a film.

When a film has big stars, Bollywood becomes obsessed with box office earnings. Not just filmmakers, but even the audience has begun to hold box office success as a yardstick for good films. Farah Khan, who has worked extensively with both Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan comments on the talk surrounding the actors’ upcoming releases, Sanju and Race 3. Farah is worried about how people are not bothered about the quality of a film, but are more concerned with the amount of money the films will make at the box office. “My driver was also asking the same question, as to how many crores a film will do. Will it do Rs 100 crores or Rs 200 crores. This has become very normal today,” says Farah. The director and choreographer feels that people should instead, focus on other aspects of the film. Farah says, “People should discuss the merit of the film, and how good it is rather than discussing how much money it will make. We are not going to get any money from that. So why should we discuss that?”

- Sanskriti Media

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