
Ram Gopal Varma keeps good Company

Surrounded by pictures of all things dark and unusual, the look of the place gives you the taste of the filmmaker.

Ram Gopal Varma, known for his dark and grim movies, has found a perfect office for himself, which utterly reflects his persona. His new workspace, Company, in Mumbai, is indeed the talk of the town. You could hate it, or like it, but you definitely can’t ignore it.

His professional space largely resembles his personality, and the director claims that he has himself designed every bit of it. “It’s completely mine,” he tells us in an exclusive chat. “I wanted each and every part of the exterior, as well as every nook and corner to reflect an attitude. Anyone who comes to my office should already know what kind of a person I am, even before meeting me.”

Surrounded by pictures of all things dark and unusual, the look of the place gives you the taste of the filmmaker. The office supposedly boasts of some of the most advances interior equipment and cost a cool Rs 15 crore to decorate, reportedly.

Says RGV, “The look of my office is a reflection of my personality, which obviously reflects in my films too. The huge gun and the brass statue of a woman outside, signify my primal fascination for power and beautiful women.”


If the ground floor doesn’t stun you enough, the first floor of the office will blow your mind. Each and every room is named after personalities — both historic and from showbiz — like Urmila, Donald Trump, Dawood Ibrahim, Narendra Modi, and more.

Explains the filmmaker, “There are, all in all, 10 doors. And each door is named in the honour or memory of someone, who at some time or the other, affected my life in some way. There’s Modi, for the power he presents, Dawood for the path breaking underworld films I made, Nagarjun for the break he gave me as a director, Urmila, for my most popular movie, Gandhi for his peace, Hitler for his tyranny, and Trump for his entertainment value.”

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