I enjoy using my brain when watching a film: Konkona
Lipstick Under My Burkha has had its share of a fight with the CBFC to get a certificate.

Known for her unique films, Konkona Sen Sharma, who has made an impact with all her performances, makes it clear she is not game for all commercial films. She says she likes to use her brains while watching a film, unlike a few others.
“I don’t enjoy looking at a film sans my brain. A lot of people say I am so tired I like to leave my brain at home and watch a movie. I have never been a fan of that cinema anyway because I enjoy indulging my intelligence,” Konkona says cheekily.
“Well-made big banner commercial films are very few. Others are just stupid and tacky and hence have never appealed to me,” she adds.
While the Indian actors hold the Oscars in a high regard, Konkona has a different thought process. The actress, who is in the midst of promoting her most controversial film Lipstick Under My Burkha feels the Oscars are not the ultimate thing.
“I don’t hold the Oscars in very high regard ever since they gave Titanic 11 awards. I was like ‘now we know what you are all about.’ I don’t necessarily think the Oscars are the ultimate thing. Honestly, I don’t care,” Konkona said.
She further added, “There are certain reviewers, some film critics, who are worth their salt and that means a lot to me. I enjoy watching the Oscar ceremony. I think it’s a great show and there are some good films.”
Lipstick Under My Burkha has had its share of a fight with the CBFC to get a certificate. Shedding some light on the matter, Konkona strongly feels the board is redundant.
“I don’t think the board is needed in the first place. I believe we can figure, which films are meant for adults and people can decide if they want to watch it. You can’t protect your citizens from communal riots, but you are going to protect them from ideas. I find that regressive,” the 37-year-old said.