Delhi police seeks monitors for cyber activities
The Delhi police has invited tenders for its much-awaited project to monitor the social sites and other Internet activities in the national capital. Called the “Open Source Intelligent Solution” (OSINT), the system will provide actionable intelligence to the police by collecting and analysing content available on the web in the public domain.
The system will monitor social media, blogs and other public forums for heated, violent or deleterious discussions/sentiments which may lead to any insurgency or riot-like situations. Both the Delhi police and the Union home ministry will be the stakeholders of this project. The home ministry will fund the project and also keep an overall supervision on it to strengthen the law enforcement agency of Delhi.
The Delhi police will reportedly play the role of project implementator. The OSINT is expected to help the police search and obtain information for actionable intelligence, analytical tools for investigation and other operational activities.
Each stakeholder will play a role and responsibility regarding the project. The project once implemented, will help to search identified sources on the Internet for any person, organisation or any other entity deemed vital for investigation purposes. The system will help in criminal profiling of suspect(s) and track online activities from scattered public open source data. It will also identify the network of criminal/suspect by linking his associates from various communication channels on the web.
With the adoption of cutting edge technology, the Delhi police, which is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced law enforcement agency in India, will get an additional edge over the cyber criminals.
The OSINT tool will be able to gather and analyse huge amount of data which is publicly available on the Internet.
It will also support data feed from various sources such as news, social networking sites, blogs, databases and FTP servers among others. The tool will be able to analyse issues related to law enforcement and would facilitate analytics and intelligence capabilities.