
Board asks cops to keep eye on sale of crackers

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has asked the police to take strict action against the wholesale license holders indulging in the sale of firecrackers which do not meet the standards set under t

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has asked the police to take strict action against the wholesale license holders indulging in the sale of firecrackers which do not meet the standards set under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 in the city. The DPCC has also told the customs commissioner to ensure no importer was allowed to import firecrackers which violate the norms.

In a letter to police commissioner B.S. Bassi, the DPCC has asked him to direct his licensing branch to ensure that all the wholesale license holders are informed about the set provisions and warned that in case of violation, action would be taken against them.

The letter said that only authorised crackers whose sound level does not exceed 125 decibels (AI) or 145 decibels at four metre distance from the point of bursting should not be permitted to sell them to any customer. It also said colour and light emitting crackers having sound level not exceeding 90 decibels should be allowed with composition and size design as per the commerce ministry notification and that too within the time prescribed.

In another letter to the commissioner of customs (import & general), the DPCC said fireworks in India have been declared as restricted item under the Indian Trade Certification (Harmonised System) in respect of the import by the DG of foreign trade. The letter said: “The manufacture, possession, use, sale etc. of any explosive containing sulphur or sulphurate in admixture with any chlorate is banned in the country. The disposal of illegally imported and subsequently confiscated firecrackers is an environmental problem. No importer shall import firecrackers from any country and Customs shall ensure that such consignment which violates the norm prescribed Vide Notification G.S.R.907 (E) should not enter into Delhi city.”

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