
34 per cent city college girls suffer from sleep-related disorders

A survey released on the eve on “World Sleep Day” revealed that one third of college going girls in the national capital are suffering from sleep-related disorders.

A survey released on the eve on “World Sleep Day” revealed that one third of college going girls in the national capital are suffering from sleep-related disorders. The survey conducted among 500 college-going youth across the city found that 34 per cent of female students and 15.7 per cent of male students are having disturbed sleep.

The survey, conducted by Cosmos Institute of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences (CIMBS), also found that students with sleep disturbances were also at higher risk for depression, anxiety, emotional and behavioural disturbances, deteriorating academic performances, Internet addiction, gaming addiction, excessive gadgets use, inter-personal relationship problems as well as alcohol and drug abuse.

According to CIMBS director Sunil Mittal, psychiatrists from across the city are seeing a new trend of sleep disorder amongst children and adolescents and youth, in which the individual sleeps late at night and wakes up late in the morning, leading to phase delayed sleep disorder.

“Studies worldwide have shown that one third (35 percent) of people feel that they do not get enough sleep, impacting both their physical and mental health. Insomnia alone affects 8-10 per cent of the general population and may lead to increased risk of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, headache, immune deficiency, anxiety, depression, memory problems, road traffic accidents and decreased work performance,” said attending consultant psychiatrist at CIMBS, Shobhana Mittal.

Experts talks about the importance of early detection of childhood anxiety, depression, stress and other emotional problems, which can help prevent sleep disturbances like phase delayed sleep disorder in this age group.

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