
‘20 per cent students in schools prone to liver ailments’

A recent survey has revealed that around 20 per cent children, which were examined, might suffer from liver diseases in the future.

A recent survey has revealed that around 20 per cent children, which were examined, might suffer from liver diseases in the future. The survey was conducted by Jaypee Hospital across 51 schools in NCR between March 2014 and August 2015.

Senior consultant (liver transplant), Jaypee Hospital, Dr K.R. Vasudevan said that as per the data collected, 20 per cent of these children might have liver disease in the future and approximately 22 per cent were found to be overweight.

“Consumption of fast food and fatty eatables, along with sedentary lifestyle and alcohol consumption, has lead to the rise in the percentage of liver ailments in India. Obesity and diabetes too causes damage to liver. In this fast-paced life, be it children or the adults, hardly anyone eats home cooked food and are opting for fast food more and more. Chronic liver disease is the third largest cause of fatty liver. Among the many causes behind liver ailments, infected viral hepatitis is one of them,” said senior liver transplant surgeon, Jaypee Hospital, Dr Abhideep Chaudhary. He also said that Indians living in urban areas have increased risk of heart attacks due to fatty liver.

Experts claimed that incidences of liver ailments are increasing worldwide and a recent WHO data reveals that among the number of deaths caused by liver ailments in the whole world, every fifth incident happens in India.

According to the recent data presented by World Health Organisation (WHO), around two lakh people die every year due to liver ailments. Out of which around 25,000 people’s lives can be saved by liver transplant, but unfortunately at present only 1,500 liver transplants happen every year.

A senior nephrologist at Jaypee Hospital, Dr Anil Bhatt, said, “Around 2,20,000 to 2,50,000 people faces kidney failure and out of this only 55,000 patients avail dialysis facility and only 3-4 thousand patients are able to save their lives by opting kidney transplant.”

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