
Modi: The man who changed India's politics

The book, Modi@20, Dreams Meet Delivery, is about his journey from Gujarat chief minister to the Prime Minister of India

The rise of Narendra Damodardas Modi perhaps is an epochal moment in Indian politics. One can safely say that after Mr Modi took charge of the nation in 2014, Indian politics will never be the same again. He has changed the culture of Indian politics.

The book, Modi@20, Dreams Meet Delivery, is about his journey from Gujarat chief minister to the Prime Minister of India. Published by Rupa, the book is a compilation of chapters authored by intellectuals and experts from various wakes of life. The book delves into his journey impacting people as he tirelessly strove to make India the greatest.

The legendary playback singer, Lata Mangeshkar who wrote the foreword to the book said: “As a proud Indian, always wish to see my country remain an inspiring and evolving embodiment of our rich heritage and reach the heights for which our freedom fighters fought.” She stated that in the past “seven years he (Modi) has brought in several unique initiatives aimed at removing poverty and suffering.”

Besides talking about his dreams and missions, the book also comes up with interesting nuggets showing how the Prime Minister impacted people in various wakes of life.

The sporting icon, P.V. Sindhu in her essay, “Why Modi is the undisputed youth icon”, explains how the Prime Minister influenced her. Talking about Modi's speech on Independence day in 2017, when he said that “We have to leave this chalta hai attitude. We have to think of badal sakta hai...”, Sandhu wrote that “the audacity to change the situation rather than compromise with it...” gave her the courage to push the boundaries and be “among the top-ranked players of the world... Hoga kaise nahin.”

The book is divided into five sections giving the readers an understanding of the Modi governance and his style of functioning. The sections include —People First, Politics of Unity and Development, Jan: An Economy for Everyone, A New Paradigm in Governance and Vasudaiva Kutumbakam: India and the World. The chapters articulated by eminent scholars, professionals and experts provide an inside view into how good governance can bring sweeping changes.

In the chapter, “Tackling Adversaries Through Strong and Effective National Security Policies”, national security adviser, Ajit Doval wrote that Prime Minister’s “commitment to nation building, an abiding belief in India's inherent potential and a unique leadership style have played important roles in framing strong and effective national security policies.”

The book took one through the journey of Modi when he left his house at the age of 17. It was his mission to re-discover himself and know the nation and its people. This journey eventually defined his mission and vision to transform India. As Doval stated, “A political leader with a vision of the future and down-to-earth experience of public service and governance.”

Not merely about his governance the book also talks about BJP's phenomenal growth under Modi’s leadership. Home minister, Amit Shah in his essay “Democracy, Delivery and Politics of Hope” while discussing the PM’s journey from “struggling working class” to one of the “tallest global statespersons” asserted that Modi has established “the BJP not just as the premier and largest political party in the world’s biggest democracy but as the pan-Indian embodiment of national interest.”

The book, while detailing his 20-year-long stint in the executive office, first as Gujarat chief minister for 13 years and then as Prime Minister of India, shows how his influence is not only confined to the domestic turf but also how he emerged as one of the most popular global leaders.

Modi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery
By BlueKraft Digital Foundation
Rupa. pp. 458, Rs.895

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