Kabali might be a top-grosser
Planetary positions point to a never-before-seen success for Rajini’s much-awaited Kabali

Planetary positions point to a never-before-seen success for Rajini’s much-awaited Kabali
For the Matinée Idol in Southern Film Industry —Rajinikanth, age seems to be quite insignificant. The films of the superstar, who effortlessly makes his fans drool over his stature even 40 years after his silver screen entry, have been welcomed with a lot of fanfare worldwide. After the much-hailed Kochadaiiyaan and Enthiran (Robot), this year, his gangster-drama Kabali, which will have the actor in the role of Kabaleeswaran, is hitting screens. Right from the trailer release, the Kabali fever has been gripping the fandom. Will the movie be able to garner a Rajini-size success Let’s find out from Ganesha.
Rajinikanth: The Starry Picture Ganesha observes that Rajinikanth is born with the Leo ascendant and the Lord of the Ascendant Sun is placed in the 4th House. Jupiter will be entering the 2nd House of finances on August 11. This will give a big boost and thus the movie may fare extremely well financially.
The planets indicate that Rajini’s next project also may be of the action genre. Ganesha advises the megastar to take good care of his health between July 29 and September 21 as some problems are indicated.
As far as his role in the film is concerned, Ganesha feels that he will be showered with tremendous admiration and praise.
Now, let’s take a look at what the stars in the Release Time Chart of Kabali indicate...
The film will release with Virgo rising, the Lord of this sign is Mercury. The 2nd House of Finance is ruled by Venus, the ruler of the sign Libra. The 11th House of Gains has a Stellium of Sun, Mercury and Venus. Quite favourably, Lord of the 1st House and Lord of the 2nd House are in conjunction in the 11th House. Additionally, Moon is in conjunction with Ketu in the 6th House and Rahu & Jupiter are in conjunction in the 12th House.
Successful Marketing Campaign Heavy-weight planets Mars and Saturn are in conjunction in the 3rd House of Communication in the Release Chart of Kabali. This placement denotes an aggressive marketing campaign for the movie with various tricks and promotional events across the country. The results for these marketing activities will bring financial success.
Financial Gains The placement of Venus, the 2nd House Lord Venus with Mercury, the Ascendant Lord in the 11th House, the House of Gains indicate tremendous success financially. Moreover, the 11th House also represents gains through other means. Therefore, this film will also accumulate significant gains or benefits through endorsements and various other means.
Enemy of Enemy = Friend The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu is not favourable in most cases. However, Jupiter who is the 7th House Lord placed in conjunction with Rahu in the sign of Efforts — Leo, in the 12th House. It is a very beneficial placement as far as the prospects related to the film industry is concerned and it could bring very favourable results for the film overseas as well.
Conclusion Kabali would be one of the most watched films in the history of cinema and it may break some of the biggest financial milestones of Tollywood.