Facebook research wants to build more capable AI using self- learning methods

The researchers were able to get a six-legged robot to teach itself to walk.

Update: 2019-05-21 08:14 GMT
Facebook suspended apps and accounts associated with Rankwave, and asked the court to order Rankwave to abide by its rules for applications, according to Romero.

Facebook is expanding its areas of research in robotics to build better AI with the help of self-supervised learning.

As Engadget reports, the social networking giant shared details about three additional areas of research, including model-based reinforcement learning (RL) to enable robots that can teach themselves through trial and error using direct input from sensors, teaching the ability to explore using human-like curiosity, and how to feel physically using predictive deep-learning model.

The researchers were able to get a six-legged robot to teach itself to walk. Using the RL algorithm, the hexapod learnt how to walk in a matter of hours instead of days.


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