Mystic Mantra: Spirituality is not for fools

Columnist  | Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Opinion, Oped

If you look at the world today, there are all kinds of idiots in the world, but you will see the religious idiots are the worst of this kind.

It needs to be understood that being spiritual is the most intelligent way to exist on this planet. (Representational image)

If spirituality or divinity has to happen, the first thing is, we must get our humanity to its peak. Why every religion, every spiritual process has always been talking about love or compassion is not because love and compassion are the ultimate aspects of life. It is because it is good manure. If you constantly feed yourself upon love and compassion, very easily flowers will bloom in you. If this manure is not given on a daily basis, then maybe your seed is good, but still it may not bloom because the necessary nourishment is not there.

So if the flower of divinity has to bloom within you, your humanity should be kept at its highest vibrancy. When you feel strong love or compassion for somebody, that is when your humanity overflows. Not goodness, not kindness, just simple humanity. This is not something that you have to train yourself to do. This is something that is anyway beating within you. You can kill it with strategy. You develop various strategies as to how to suppress your humanity because you think it is not safe, it won’t work. You think that is not the way the world is made. Humanity is not something that we have to teach through your religion or scripture or anything. It is something that beats and throbs in you every moment of your life. If this is kept at its peak, then the next dimension of life becomes very easy. Otherwise, the next dimension of life is not available.

We have always understood that turning spiritual means to leave home and go into the forest, not involved with the process of life around you. It is because of these kinds of wrong notions that so many young people, so many intelligent people refuse to look towards spirituality.

If you look at the world today, there are all kinds of idiots in the world, but you will see the religious idiots are the worst of this kind. Religion should have been the solution for all problems, but unfortunately, religion has become the source of all problems. Religion has become the focal point for all the problems that are being generated on the planet. Because of this many people, intelligent and educated people and especially the young people don’t want to have anything to do with spirituality because it is such stupidity. Unfortunately, for them, being spiritual means being stupid. It has been presented that way until now.

It needs to be understood that being spiritual is the most intelligent way to exist on this planet. Only when your intelligence rises beyond the mediocre, you turn truly spiritual. Spirituality is not for a fool. It is only for a person who is really capable of looking at his life with more intelligence than the common folk. It is because spiritual people exhibited much more intelligence than the common folk that they were always sought after in many part of the world.