Basavaraj Bommai | A new temple of democracy that will help us to build New India

The vision of New India is reflected in the new Parliament, which is part of the Central Vista project.

Update: 2023-05-30 20:00 GMT
Members of Parliament, Chief Ministers of different States and other dignitaries in the Lok Sabha chamber, at the new Parliament building in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)

Man is a social animal and can’t survive in isolation. Thousands of years ago, human beings grouped to create a city, built a society and then started living in a nation state. Decisions that changed the lives of people happened all over the world through religious institutions and thereafter through nation states. The determinants of human life have evolved in various forms, starting with religious institutions, followed by state power, and eventually encompassing global institutions. However, the emergence of democratic institutions marked a significant event in India’s history, beginning in the 12th century with the establishment of the “Anubhava Mantapa”. The concept of democratic governance has its origins in Ancient Rome in the West. These democratic institutions do not possess absolute authority, but serve as platforms to express people’s opinions.

In 1215, the Magna Carta was established in Britain during the reign of King John. It defined the rights and responsibilities of both the King and his subjects. After India became Independent, we got a Constitution on January 26, 1950. Our Constitution is one of the largest, encompassing the aspirations of diverse castes, religions, and cultures. It recognises the rights and duties of citizens and establishes a unitary system that has a place for both the Central and state governments.

India is a republic. The words of Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee hold great significance. Governments come and go, political parties emerge and fade away. But the essence of India and its democratic governance must remain constant. With this vision, the foundation of the people’s sovereignty was established.
Dr B.R. Ambedkar, chairman of the Constituent Assembly’s drafting committee, wrote the masterpiece of Indian democracy. These activities all took place in India’s Parliament, so Parliament is the stronghold of Indian democracy.

India’s Parliament plays a pivotal role in the lives of every individual. Our rights, services and duties are determined through its activities. It provides a platform for us to voice our opinions and concerns, and it is our responsibility to actively participate in its functioning. Parliament is the embodiment of the collective will of the people and the guardian of our democratic values.

Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with immense experience in both the state and Central governments, has a complete understanding of our country and envisions a new India. Recognising the need for a new system in the construction of this vision, the new Parliament that was inaugurated on Sunday holds tremendous significance in India’s democracy. Being the most populous and one of the largest democratic nations in the world, India needs an increased number of representatives to effectively reflect the diversity of its various castes, cultures and communities. Further, to emerge as a strong economic powerhouse globally, India requires decisive policies and systematic infrastructure development.

To build the future of modern India, discussions on crucial matters should take place here:

*Resolving numerous challenges that India faces and establishing decisive strategies.

*India must become economically robust and make significant contributions on the global stage.

*Ensuring equitable and comprehensive development across all sections of society.

*Every citizen should have a crucial role and commitment towards the construction of new India.

*Transparent and efficient governance practices utilising modern technology should prevail in the country.

*Individual freedom and social conduct should be guaranteed for every citizen.

*Governance should be based on the Constitution and the rule of law.

*Access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities should be continuously available for every individual.

These are the key aspects for the creation of a new India, and it is important to focus on them for the overall development and progress of the nation.
The new India, with its youth power, new thinking and new dreams, is being realised under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who embodies determination, foresight, patriotism and democratic ideals. I extend my heartfelt greetings and special congratulations to Prime Minister Modi, the architect of a new India, who will remain a prominent figure in the history of India's democracy.

The next 25 years, as often stated by Prime Minister Modi, will be India’s “Amrit Kaal”. This will lead the country to take the coveted position of being the world’s third largest economy. From a $3.47 trillion economy, India is cruising on a path to become a $30 trillion economy in the next 25 years. This needs all hands on the deck to work for the sole objective of making India a developed nation.

The vision of New India is reflected in the new Parliament, which is part of the Central Vista project. The execution of the project announced the arrival of India in the big league of nations that can scale up the economy as well as the people’s living standards. The Opposition must not distract the people from the country’s golden journey.

At such a significant moment, the Opposition parties that boycott, anti-democratic forces and those opposing the country’s future rise, are all excluded. The entire nation and several political parties have come together to set an example for the younger generation.

The Opposition’s rejection only reflects its narrow-minded politics and self-centred interests. It is suffering from toxic ailment of opposing Mr Modi as an individual and also to diminish the office of Prime Minister. The people are wiser from past experience, and will not forget the compulsive negative politics of the Opposition. They will get their lesson and pay a heavy price in next year’s Lok Sabha election. The Narendra Modi government, however, remains steadfast in resolve to make India a developed nation. The new Parliament will bear testimony to India’s new golden era.


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