Women cops give self-defence training to young girls

Mehjabeen exhorted girls to realise their potential and fulfil their dreams.

Update: 2018-03-10 20:13 GMT
Delhi police personnel conducting a self-defence workshop for NGO Aarohan's volunteers as part of celebrations to mark the International Women's Day.

New Delhi: Delhi police personnel gave self-defence training to over 300 women, young girls and transgenders in south Delhi with the help of NGO Aarohan as part of week-long celebrations to mark the International Women’s Day (IWD).

Woman policemen shared tips on martial art and gender sensitisation in the presence of additional DCP-I (south) Vijayanta Arya and actress Mehjabeen Siddiqui, NGO chairperson Rani Patel said, adding that a health and hygiene workshop was also held by Apollo Foundation.

Ms Patel highlighted the theme of this year’s IWD — Time is now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives — saying the event has come on the heels of a global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice like #MeToo and #TimesUp in the US and other countries like India.

“During our event, women achievers were honoured and they shared their experiences. School girls also presented a cultural programme,” she said.

Additional DCP Arya said, “Women safety needs cooperation from the community. Trained and bold women can fight off harassment effectively and help police.”

Mehjabeen exhorted girls to realise their potential and fulfil their dreams.

“Nothing is impossible once you decide what you want and pursue it with dedication,” she said.

Ms Patel said a fashion show was also presented by transgender sisters who shared their experiences related to problems faced in joining the mainstream.

Area councillor and practicing homoeopath Nandini Sharma and Lady Irwin College representative Asha Chandra also interacted with young achievers from government schools.

“The purpose of this programmes is to strengthen, share, and spread awareness on the roles and rights of women in the society,” said Ms Sharma.

Aarohan is also a partner NGO in establishing South Delhi as an International City of Peace under the initiative of the International Cities of Peace which is an association of citizens, governments and organisations who have by proclamation, resolution, or by citizen advocacy established their communities as official Cities of Peace.


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