Erectile dysfunction affects half of all British men in their 30s

43 percent said they didn't discuss the problem with friends and 23 percent were uncomfortable talking to a doctor.

Update: 2018-05-20 12:00 GMT
27 percent men affected by erectile dysfunction said that they would rather end a relationship than talk about the issue (Photo: Pixabay)

Erectile dysfunction is an issue that is known to affect a lot of men and ageing is considered one of the major factors causing it. But it seems that other issues like stress may have triggered an alarming rise in such cases.

Statistics have revealed that around half of all men in their 30s in Britain are facing the disorder. Tiredness, drinking too much and anxiety have been found to threaten sex lives of men at a young age.

In addition to this, close to 43 percent said they didn’t discuss the problem with friends and 23 percent were uncomfortable talking to a doctor. 27 percent men affected by erectile dysfunction said that they would rather end a relationship than talk about the issue.


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