Firms have grown more sceptical about workplace romance after #MeToo movement

The study found that 78 per cent companies reviewed and updated policies regarding workplace relationships in the wake of movements.

Update: 2018-11-19 12:19 GMT
Close to 20 firms in the UK have gone ahead and banned workplace romance (Photo: AFP)

Forming romantic relationships at a workplace has never been seen as a good idea for a professional environment. But while there are people who get involved with someone at work, recent developments may have made it less likely.

The #MeToo movement has brought attention to sexual harassment at the workplace across the globe. Findings of a recent study showed that workplace romance has become more taboo after the movement took social media by storm.

Around 80 per cent human resources professionals said that romantic relationships between people working together have become less acceptable. Close to 20 firms in the UK have gone ahead and banned workplace romance.

The study found that 78 per cent companies reviewed and updated policies regarding workplace relationships in the wake of movements like #MeToo and Times Up.


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