Why a protein-rich breakfast and meals can make one's health, body and day better

The reason, high carbs in breakfast may make one feel hungry more often and in turn, end up adding more weight.

Update: 2019-12-04 10:55 GMT
A great start of cold cuts to appease the hungry tummy in the morning that allows the energy for the rest of the day with hardly any fear of putting on weight is a fair and must-try option.

“The best way to live is to have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper”. Now scientists have proven the historical maxim correct. Talk to any leading nutritionist on the patterns and rhythms of good eating habits. It’s almost certain they will list in their top-two pointers, protein-rich sources to be included in your breakfast bowl. Protein-rich breakfast comes with its array of benefits which are unavoidable and undoubtedly undeniable. Throwback to the start of your day, were you topped with a carbs-rich breakfast with high sugar cereals or high-calorie foods? Not exactly ideal. The reason, high carbs in breakfast may make one feel hungry more often and in turn, end up adding more weight. Again, not exactly ideal (for most of us at least). A great start of cold cuts to appease the hungry tummy in the morning that allows the energy for the rest of the day with hardly any fear of putting on weight is a fair and must-try option.

Now you may be wondering why having a protein-rich breakfast can make you feel full and prevent you from unhealthy snacking too often. That’s what the researchers have been working on rigorously. In case you are topping yourself with the novel, handcrafted cold cuts devoid of artificial colours or flavours, nitrite, hormones, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and glutens at the start of the day, you are certainly one step healthier than your peers. Why? Because consumption of high protein meals enables your body to release ghrelin, a hunger hormone that works magic in keeping your satiety and fullness to their peak. Also, you get ample opportunity to make the healthiest food choices later in the day.

Consulting a nutritionist will make you aware that when you fail to load yourself with a protein-rich breakfast, you generally end up skipping fruits and veggies from your diet throughout the day. Guess what, this could be pretty worrisome for your body as, without enough fruits and veggies in your diet, you may debar your body from picking up the essential nutrients and also put on increasing weight. As an add-on, having cold cuts and deli meats can recharge your body with associated nutrients like iron, zinc and vitamin B 12 that are complementary to meats which are powerhouse of proteins. Be smart to gorge on cold cuts and reduce weight instead of popping weight loss pills that come with several adverse side-effects.

Are you aware of the fact that having a protein-rich breakfast enhances body metabolism? If not, knowing this is ideal and is exactly why you should choose cold cuts as one of the primary ingredients of your breakfast bowl. Protein packed cold cuts will enable you to burn more calories throughout the day. Not just that, one bite of the yummy deli meat can prevent you from becoming insulin resistant. It gives you a strong reason why you must try a protein-rich breakfast at the wee hours of the day. A bowl full of tasty cold cuts may help your body avoid a spike in blood sugar levels, keep unnecessary headaches, drowsiness and mid-morning hunger at bay, while a high-sugar and high-carb breakfast bowl can actually put your health in danger.

However, it is a big no when it comes to choosing cold cuts marred with nitrates, other preservatives, glutens and artificial colours and flavours. Call a food expert and you will know that healthy cold cuts help your body to gather calcium, make your bones, muscles, cartilages, skin, nails, hair and blood stronger and flush out all impurities. They also help your body in building and repairing body tissues.

Delicately blended, gluten-free frankfurters & sausages, gluten-free Pork Mortadella with its wide range of health benefits, tasty yet healthy gluten-free Chicken Mortadella handcrafted from the best fresh cuts of chicken, gluten-free Breakfast Pork Toast Ham made large especially to make one feel full in the wink of an eye and  gluten-free Breakfast Pork Hot Dogs made from carefully selected and fresh cuts of pork are just the appropriate options for you to make a healthy, filling and tasty start of the day.

Protein-rich foods can make your day better. Thumbs up for cold cuts that avoid artificial colours or flavours, or added nitrite, hormones, MSG and glutens and can be a healthy alternative for you to adopt the perfect balanced, protein enriching diet and not many brands in the market offer you the same. Hence, choose your cold cuts brand wisely.

By Jason Monserrate, Business Development Manager, Bennet & Bernard Gastronomy Hospitality Pvt Ltd


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