Brushing your way to shiny hair

The Asian Age.

Life, Fashion

These tips help you keep your hair looking shiny and healthy.

When wet hair is combed, there is increased risk of stretching and breaking. (Photo: Representational/Pixabay)

There is an age-old myth that says if your brush your hair 100 times, it leaves it soft and super shiny. But this is not true. Not only does it not have a pronounced effect, but it can in turn stress your hair and irritate the scalp as well.

Hair is at its healthiest when it is brushed a few times a day, not too much, not too less. It matters what kind of brush is used as well. Here are some handy tips from The Guardian:

Brush your hair the right way

Ben gentle while brushing, even if there are tangles in the hair. If you have long hair, hold it in your hand and detangle it first, starting from the tips. Whether you use a brush or comb, do it in sections and slowly work your way up to the scalp.

Invest in the right kind of brushes

A paddle brush is the best for your hair for daily brushing. The paddle brush gives your brush the gentle stimulation, promoting the blood flow. But make sure not to overdo it.  Brushing hair also helps eliminate dandruff by massaging the dead skin cells away.   

A paddle brush also has a wide surface area and it helps smoothen and straighten out the hair shaft. Use a narrower barrel brush for curly hair to keep its texture intact.  

Care for your hair depending upon the type

Some people say that curly hair shouldn’t be brushed every day, but it would be beneficial if it is given a rough brush through daily to keep it healthy.

Another way to keep your hair smooth after a wash is to brush it before washing it. Smoothen out the tangles before shampooing and then use conditioner. This prevents breakage due to brushing of wet hair. When wet hair is combed, there is increased risk of stretching and breaking.

Tackle hair fall by brushing

People facing hair fall issues stop brushing their hair altogether to prevent more breakage. This is the wrong thing to do. You can’t help hair fall, it is meant to happen. But if it is more than usual, then brush your hair more gently than you normally would.

Use a paddle brush again. It will catch all the fallen hair and won’t let it fall to the floor. This will have a psychologically better impact by not seen the mass of hair on the floor. To give the falling hair a bit more volume, comb it upside down after brushing.