UK: Two-month-old boy dies of brain damage after being 'shaken by his father'

Autopsy reports of victim showed that he was otherwise normal, but had been subjected to years of abuse, since he was few weeks old.

Update: 2016-10-07 10:34 GMT
(Representative Photo: Pixabay)

Autopsy reports of victim showed that he was otherwise normal, but had been subjected to years of abuse, since he was few weeks old.

Nottingham, England:

A UK man has been arrested on the charges of murder after his two-month-old son died of extensive brain damage caused due to physical assault.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, the toddler was found in a lifeless state in his father's bedroom at their home in Nottingham.

The incident came to light when a neighbour heard a 'bang' from the accused's home, minutes before an ambulance was called. The baby was immediately rushed to the hospital.

While operating on the baby, doctors managed to re-start his heart after about 26 minutes and the baby was kept on life support system. However, as soon as the life support was switched off, the boy succumbed to his injuries.

Autopsy reports of the toddler suggested that he was otherwise normal, but had been subjected to years of physical abuse, starting since he was a few weeks old. His medical history showed a pattern of inflicted injury, broken bones and a history of brain bleeding.

While the case was under trial in the Nottigham Crown Court, the judge observed that the toddler's father had been assaulting him shortly after he was born. However, his mother was unaware of the attacks.

The case is currently under trial and the accused would be sentenced at the next hearing.

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