
Mayawati a force to reckon with

BSP Supremo Mayawati is likely to put up a fierce fight in the upcoming UP elections in 2017.

Mayawati is a prominent force in UP politics. Having helmed the state for four terms, the lady knows the intricacies and understands the mood of the masses well. Elections are round the corner in Uttar Pradesh and people are wondering how Maya may fare and whether she has a strong chance of making it big in the battle. Ganesha feels that the transiting Jupiter will help her to give a good fight and stay in the race. However, other adverse planetary configurations may not let her achieve results as per her expectations.

The Astrological portrait of the BSP chief: BSP Supremo Mayawati is currently under the influence of Mercury major period and the sub period of Mercury. The Lord of the 9th House of Fortune — Mercury is placed in the Ascendant, in conjunction with the Sun and the Moon.

In what ways this special combination will help her? The presence of prominent planets in the Ascendant itself indicates a strong personality and good leadership skills. This configuration indicates a good connect with the masses and great influence.

The shrewd politician: As the Moon — the karaka of the mind and Mercury — the karaka of intelligence are conjunct, she is a very shrewd politician who understands the mood of the masses well, and can create strategies according to the prevalent situations.

Transit of Jupiter in Virgo: The transiting Jupiter is aspecting the Natal Sun and Moon which will enhance Mayawati’s capacity for hard work. Jupiter’s positive influence will also help her to motivate her party members and find the right direction. Due to this bright aspect, she will be able to perform well and will give her opponents a run for their money.

How will she fare in the UP Elections 2017? The transit of Rahu over Natal Jupiter and that of Ketu over Natal Venus will not augur well for her. This transitory influence of the nodes may dent her image and drag her into controversies. Thus, she will have to proceed with caution.

Support from the media: As transiting Jupiter is casting an aspect on her Natal Mercury — the karaka of media and communication, she may get good support from some sections of the media.

Saturn changing gears: The back and forth transit of Saturn in the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio may create some turbulent situations for Mayawati and her party.

The Overview: Considering the overall picture, it is likely that her party’s vote share will increase in the upcoming elections and that she will be able to convince some sections about her abilities as the better leader. Her support base is also likely to swell.

The possible threats: Mayawati’s image may get a boost in the coming months, but some issues of the past may come back to haunt her. Moreover, there is a possibility of a war of words taking place between her and her rivals, and this may snowball into major issues. Thus, it would be better if she makes calculated statements.

The conclusion: It seems that Mayawati will receive decent support from the stars and can capitalise on the current situation. Good success is foreseen if she is able to play her cards well. But, owing to Saturn’s unusual movement in 2017, complacency may prove costly for her.

Mayawati, BSP Supremo
Date of Birth: January 15, 1956
Time of Birth: 8.47 am (Unconfirmed)
Place of Birth: New Delhi

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