
More radical changes ahead

It may be tough, but not insurmountable for PM Modi to destroy the demons of the economy post the demonetisation move.

Narendra Modi is a man who knows his mind; one who executes his plans with precision and timing. While people were keenly following the Trump vs Clinton presidential contest and looking forward to the results, the Indian Prime Minister, in a televised appearance, made the demonetisation announcement and grabbed all the limelight!

Major sections of the society have openly lauded the bold, unexpected move, while his opponents are coming up with ‘inconvenience’ theories and putting in all efforts to make this move appear draconian. His natal chart suggests that this is just the launch of the latest version of Narendra Modi. There will be more radical changes ahead, in terms of stricter policies and bolder decisions.

A path not free from hassles and challenges
PM Modi is passing through the sub-period of Jupiter and sub-sub period of Rahu, which will be in operation till January 4, 2017. One significant transit which will collide with this dasha sequence is the Mercury retrograde in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. Both these factors indicate a lot of hassles and challenges for the PM, and the opposition blues will continue to pose problems for him. Resistance from the opposition is not something new for Mr Modi, but during this period, the problem may get intensified.

Narendra Modi
Date of Birth: September 17, 1950
Time of Birth: 10.10 am
Place of Birth: Vadnagar, Gujarat, India

Facing Chin Music from the Media
During the months of December 2016 and January 2017, the print or electronic media may unleash a fresh barrage of attacks on the PM on some of his policies, triggering more negative sentiments. There may be some unpleasant statements from opposition parties against him. Thus, it would be better if the PM takes decisions only after due forethought.

Jupiter’s blessings — the plus factor
Jupiter is a mighty planet, and its transit over natal Sun and Mercury will help the PM go about his decisions with higher confidence. This transit will also help to earn the appreciation of bureaucrats, government officials and the social media. This aspect will help him establish social, religious and cultural harmony.

PM Modi’s social media image to get a further boost?
After taking such a tough decision, the PM lost around 3 lakh followers on Twitter, but it is just a one-off kind of event. After January, Mr Modi’s social media presence may get a solid boost, and there may be a steep rise in his followers.

Saturn pushing for stricter reforms?
Between January 4 2017 to April 4 2017, Modi will be under the influence of Moon-Saturn-Saturn dasha cycle. As Saturn is the primary significator of righteousness and law, he is likely to usher in new, stronger reforms, as a follow-through of the demonetisation. Expect him to work on the tax structure in a more dedicated manner.

What else can we look forward to?
PM Modi is likely to take some more crucial decisions in matters related to finance, economy, industries and real estate. He will also make sure that the plans are put into practice as soon as possible so that the expected results are achieved.

Considering the overall picture, Ganesha feels that PM Modi is likely to receive good support from the masses, but the opposition may not budge and this may create some hurdles for him. Despite all the problems, the period till April 7, 2017 will be very eventful for him. The stars indicate that he will finally be able to have his own way, even in the coming year.

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