Much needed update for the xbox one

The Asian Age Staff  | K P Padmakumar

The Xbox One just received a major update that is aimed at streamlining everything you can do on the console.

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The Xbox One just received a major update that is aimed at streamlining everything you can do on the console. While many will argue that the New Xbox One Experience is a mere facelift, it actually makes life on the Xbox One smoother and much faster.

The update changes the basic layout and functionality of the Xbox One OS with Windows 10, making accessing various tabs and apps much more convenient from any screen. Earlier, a double tap of the Xbox Button would allow you to choose which app to open in snap mode, but now all the snapable apps are accessible through one nifty side bar that is always accessible with a simple double tap.

Now, you can join a party with friends or send out invites within seconds, as opposed to the painfully slow method on the old Xbox One UI. One of the most noticeable changes is to the home screen of the console which now has three main tabs on top. Home: Where you find your recent games and collection; Community: for all your friends activity feeds and finally the Store for picking up new games and deals.

While the New Xbox has indeed made life on the Xbox One much faster and better, it’s not even the biggest talking point about the fall update; Enter Backwards Compatibility.

The general public now has access to 104 Xbox 360 games that are now available on the Xbox One as part of the backwards compatibility program where gamers themselves vote for games that Microsoft then works with publishers to bring to the Xbox One. Even then this is still just a small number with the next major game changing update coming early in 2016 with more windows 10 features and the possible introduction of Cortana to Xbox One.