That’s a funny looking Apple

The Asian Age.  | Imana bhattacharya

Technology, Mobiles & Tabs

Apple launched their latest phone yesterday. The memes and jokes in reaction to the new product had become the day’s top trends.

With Apple launching new products so often, the new iPhone’s reveal has become an annual festival. And just like any other occasion, this one also stirs up a lot of excitement and conversations.

With Apple launching new products so often, the new iPhone’s reveal has become an annual festival. And just like any other occasion, this one also stirs up a lot of excitement and conversations. This year, the launch of the latest version of the gadget has also triggered multiple new meme floods on the Internet. From memes about how costly the latest phones are, to rants about the new camera arrangement triggering a certain phobia in many people, the Internet is abuzz with memes and jokes by netizens.

As most people keep creating innovative tweets about how costly the new models are using before-after scenarios of buying the phone, Android users are the ones who are not foregoing a single chance to take a dig at iPhone users for the same. Some Indians have also cracked jokes about having to sell some other organs to buy these phones as they have already sold their kidneys to pay for the pricey chalans under the New Motor Vehicles Act (amendment). Few others have made memes on the plight of middle class Indian parents who will have to pay for these new phones. Yet others have in turn taken digs at people making the same old “selling kidney” jokes.

The other topic of memes that have been trending on Twitter is regarding the design of the new phone model, which has three camera lenses on the back. While some have been joking about how the number of lenses keeps multiplying and compared it to cell division, some have expressed their unease over it. Trypophobia or a feeling of an intense emotional reaction caused by clustered patterns or holes, has been set off in many people after observing the arrangement of lenses. A lot of people have been since ranting on social media about how uncomfortable the phones’ design is making them.

Pet photo shoots and #slofies (slow selfies that can be clicked using the phone now) have also been trending on Twitter as a result of various features that have been launched with the new phone. And the reactions rolling in from around the world, range from “Lol”s to “Awww”s.