Helo launches new 'Helo Travel' campaign for travel tips

Press Release

Technology, In Other news

Since its launch in October 17 2019, Helo Travel has registered a record 200 million impressions with many celebrities also joining in.

Social media platform Helo has launched a three-month long travel campaign called ‘Helo Travel’, on its platform.

Social media platform Helo has launched a three-month long travel campaign called ‘Helo Travel’, on its platform.  

Since its launch in October 17 2019, Helo Travel has registered a record 200 million impressions, claims the company. Showcasing authentic travel moments, many celebrities like Amruta Khanvilkar, Rohan Mehra, Sadhika Venugopal, Kinjal Dave, and Sanjjiana Galrani have also participated in the campaign. last till January 16th 2020.

According to the company, this campaign shall benefit Indians with plans to travel. Reports by the World Travel and tourism council, and  IBEF show 90 per cent travellers in India are Indians and are touted as the most digitally advanced, when it comes to using digital tools to gather information, plan and book holidays.

Not only does it try to be informative, prizes are also to be won through participation. In a press release it said that upto 1000 participants could win a GoPro, along with the announcement of an additional 10 Helo Travel ambassadors, who will be awarded luxury travel packages.