Mystic Mantra: Believe in the cosmic timeframe

Columnist  | Sadguru Rameshji

Opinion, Oped

While putting effort we also expect result commensurate to our efforts or greater than our efforts but never less than our efforts.

Our plan is fixed by our finite and limited intellect, selfish and short sighted, but the cosmic plan gets fixed based on infinite and unlimited cosmic intellect (Selfless, long sighted and for universal good). (Representational image)

Whatever we do, whatever efforts we put in towards achieving our goal we expect a particular kind of result within a fixed time frame and when the result does not come based on our time frame, we get disappointed and depressed.

While putting effort we also expect result commensurate to our efforts or greater than our efforts but never less than our efforts. In very rare cases the result overshoots the effort or matches with the effort. But in most cases the result is lesser than the effort or exactly opposite of the effort. This mismatch between efforts and results lead to disappointment, depression and blame games (either we blame others for our failures or we blame ourselves or our fate).

Not many understand as to why such mismatches take place. They get more confused whenever the result of their effort is completely opposite of their effort. This mismatch between the efforts and the results is many times because of the mismatch between our expectations and the cosmic plan.

Generally chances are very high for our plans (expectations) and the cosmic plan. Our plan is fixed by our finite and limited intellect, selfish and short sighted, but the cosmic plan gets fixed based on infinite and unlimited cosmic intellect (Selfless, long sighted and for universal good).

All our efforts are self-centric, for personal gain and based on expectations of favourable results but in the process we forget the role of our past birth karmas (Prarabdh karma). Past birth karma or prarabdh karma are those which were performed in the previous births but they did not get an opportunity to give their result in those births hence they get passed on to future births. These karmas which were performed in the previous births and could not give their results, become destiny in the present birth.

Present birth karma and destiny (result of past birth karma) go side by side. Sometimes, due to the cosmic plan, such unusual coincidences and combinations take place that along with the present birth karma, the result of past birth karma is bestowed in our life. This confuses us, as the result is a mismatch to our karma. We perform good and pious karma but we meet with accident, lose money or fail in some endeavour. On the other hand we might have performed some bad karma, sinful deeds yet we found ourselves bestowed with gain in wealth, health, name, fame and overall prosperity.

This mismatch takes place because of the destiny (past birth karma), which has already progressed to show its results and the simultaneous performance of new karma in the present birth.

As Lord Krishna has said that we have the right to perform karma but have no right in its results. This does not mean that our effort has no value and our effort may or may not get us the result. This only means that we have no control as to in what form, when and how the results will come in our life. This is what we call as the cosmic plan. The cosmic plan is based on the permutation-combination of various factors applicable for the whole of the universe.

Therefore, we must keep putting sincere efforts towards our goals and leave the result to cosmic forces to decide as to what is good, how much is good, when it is good and in what form is it good. Establishing this concept will always keep us enthusiastic, energetic and optimistic with the belief that one day, the efforts of our good deeds will certainly be bestowed upon us.