360 degree: 2017-future tense

The Asian Age.

Opinion, Oped

On a more cheerful note, the 2017 south-west monsoon will be normal and there will be sufficient rainfall across the country.

Astrologers may differ in their predictions for the coming year but most predict that the existing political formations will remain undisturbed.

If the demonetisation move at the fag-end of 2016 brought trouble for people of the country, 2017 will witness more such financial regulations and crises. According to the astrologers we  spoke to, though governments will face disturbances, allegations and problemsthey will survive

Many of the astrologers  have predicted that there will be more air accidents in 2017 and earthquakes too. People in general and politicians in particular should be careful of air travel.

On a more cheerful note, the 2017 south-west monsoon will be normal and there will be sufficient rainfall across the country. There may be more cyclones in November-December 2017 and a severe cyclone will cause heavy devastation in January 8-15, 2018. The country will experience good rains, good crops, and there will be no shortage of water anywhere.

Astrologers may differ in their predictions for the coming year but most predict that the existing political formations will remain undisturbed. The Narendra Modi-led NDA government at the Centre, the K. Chandrasekhara Rao-led TRS government in Telangana,  and N. Chandrababu Naidu-led Andhra Pradesh government  will all complete their third year in office.

Year of challenges   
Chennai astrologer Shelvi says 2017 will be a year of challenges and people have to be extra cautious. The planetary positions warn people to be careful during the first half which is full of challenges. Foreign countries, especially India's neighbours will continue to create problems, terror threat will increase and economic growth will be difficult to sustain during the first half period of the year. The ruling dispensation and officials will realise their mistakes and indulge in people-friendly chores.

There will be threat from conspirators, natural calamities and during this testing period and political party leaders - whether old or young; and the people too should bestow attention to their health. Political instability will last for few months and things will dramatically change leading to the officials executing schemes that would benefit the people.  Drinking water projects, impetus to desalination projects, rainwater harvesting, drainages and developing the agriculture sector are on the cards. Politicians will evince interest in people's welfare, and youth will be keen on taking up employment while pursuing studies. Those residing abroad or on overseas assignment should be prepared for changes. Elders should be respected and people should offer prayers during the Brahma muhurtham to nullify negative effects, adds Shelvi

PM to overcome  stiff opposition
Hyderabad-based astrologer Simhambhatla Subba Rao says Prime Minister Narendra Modi will follow up on his demonetisation move with some more hard decisions till March 2017, but is expected to face massive opposition from certain quarters; though he will ultimately succeed.  However, Rao cautions that the PM should be more careful about his health. February, June and October are crisis months for the Prime Minister.   Sri Rama Sharan Sharma sees major political changes in the NDA after March 2017.

Prime Minister Modi is in the last stages of Ýelanati Shani. Shani is also Adhipathi of Vrishchika Rasi to which Modi belongs. Shani is known for giving everything and will take him to the heights including Vipareetha Maharaja Yogam. But Shani is also known for causing instant downfall.   Starting from February 25 up to August 25, Modi will face several problems, including danger to his life. He will face several new enemies within and outside during this crucial period. He will overcome the problems if he shows restraint between February 25 and May 25. He will also order a Cabinet reshuffle.  The BJP may not win in the five state assembly elections of 2017.  Sharma says Hevalambi, the new Telugu new year almanac, will see the rise of women.

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The AIADMK will join the Modi Cabinet. Before demitting office in July, the President of India Pranab Mukherjee will have trouble with the Prime Minister. Srinivasa Gargeya predicts that the governments led by Modi, Chandrababu Naidu and K. Chandrasekhara Rao will be safe in 2017. But between February and October they will all suffer as allegations and controversies erupt. Not only the political sector, but every sector will face some sort of disturbance during this period. Shelvi says it is most unlikely that Modi charisma or diplomacy would help to improve ties with India's hawkish neighbours and countries which have been hostile will be more aggressive. There may be a possibility of even Russia to turn against India, though for a transient period.

RBI gov may be removed
Venu Swamy predictions Reserve Bank Governor Urjit Patel will be removed between January-February as he took over the reins at the RBI at 11 am on September 16, 2016, when the muhurat is considered most inauspicious.

Rahul may get Priyanka support
Subba Rao says Rahul Gandhi may have to worry about the health of his mother Sonia Gandhi in 2017. He will get much needed support from one woman (Priyanka).  The Congress under Rahul's leadership will get good results in the five assembly polls. However, he should be a little careful in January, April, May and September. Sonia Gandhi may have to go abroad for better medical treatment.  It is also likely that she may get adverse judgements from courts. March, May and September are crisis months for her. According to Ram Sharan Sharma, Priyanka Gandhi is likely to emerge as the leader of the Congress party. He says that Rahul Gandhi is undergoing Kalasarpa dosham and will never become Prime Minister.

Changes in AP affairs likely
Subba Rao sees a lot of political opposition to Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh's chief minister, including from within his own party. However, he will overcome the financial crisis that the state has been going through all these years. He needs to be careful when travelling. October, November and December are crisis months for him.

According to Ram Sharan Sharma, lots of changes will take place in AP affairs. Chandrababu Naidu's health may be affected. If he is able to hang on to power till September 2017, he will have no problem after that. His son Nara Lokesh may enter the cabinet, but he has no chief minister yogam in his horoscope.  A woman from the family will enter TDP politics. Some undesirable incidents may happen in Tirumala which will bring a bad name to the TDP government.  Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy, leader of the YSR Congress party is like Sonia Gandhi and he too faces Kala Sarpa dosham. He cannot become king, but only remain king-maker. Jagan's party will encounter more problems as more leaders desert him.

Srinivasa Gargeya sees no health related problems for Chandrababu Naidu. But he will face several other problems, which is the order of 2017 across India. He suggests that politicians and the general public observe mouna vratam on January 28, Mouni Amavasya day, to avoid such problems.  

Tough time for Telangana CM   
Simhambhatla Subba Rao predicts that Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhara Rao will have a tough time during the year with criticism and opposition to his government. He needs to take care of his health and should be careful about air travel. March, May, August and November are crisis months for him.  Venu Swamy  says Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhara Rao (KCR) will have a tough time in 2017. Till February 17, i.e. till his birthday, he will be okay. After that Rahu Mahardasa will start for him and that will impact his health.

TN to see political stability
Tamil Nadu will see better times in terms of political stability and social welfare fronts as the ruling dispensation will put the state on a growth trajectory, asserts Yadartha Jothidar Shelvi. This renowned astrologer from Chennai predicts better times for the people of TN and says the succession in AIADMK (general secretary post) will lead to filling up the vacuum left by former Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa. The time is most opportune for the new Chief Minister to rise up to the occasion and cater to all sections.

Read: 360 degree: Check this out

Things things may lead to a drastic change in the beginning of 2017 in Tamil Nadu and officials and people alike would be ready to accept the new changes.  The AIADMK leadership will gain acceptance and people will realise that they have a good strategist-administrator as CM. The industrial and investment climate in the state will improve and TN will get more industries.

OPS will do a good job
He is good in commerce because of his rasi meenam. After January 26, he will become tensed as Saturn moves to 10th house. It will slow his work. Till Jupiter in kanya which is until August, he will do good work for Tamil Nadu, according to Chennai astrologer Mahesh Varma.

Stalin’s clout will grow
From January 26,  Stalin will do well, but will have to take care of the health of his mother & father as major planets get retrograde. His followers will increase as Venus is favouring him as of now. After Jupiter moves to Tula rasi from September, he has to work hard to maintain party.

Rajini may fare well in politics
It is good time for him and he can move into politics. If he joins BJP or floats a new party before September he will do well. He should take care of his health after September, adds Mahesh Varma.

Mamata to court trouble
Subba Rao says the going will be tough for West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in 2017.  

She will not have much of a problem with her CM post, but there will be problems from the courts in a pending case.  Mamata will become unpopular due to several mass agitations all over West Bengal. She needs to be careful in February, July and October.

Gold price will dip
Gold prices will dip and it will not be prudent for one to invest in real estate or share market. Investment could be thought of only after Vaikasi (May-June), according to Shelvi.