Kim Jong-un gets sex tonic developed from snakes

The Asian Age With Agency Inputs

Life, Relationship

Apart from curing sexual dysfunctions, the potions are said to cure mental as well as physical fatigue.

The potion is said to be safe from side effects and is non addictive (Photo: AFP)

Pyongyang: Having a better sex life and enhancing skills in bed is what a lot of men around the world wish to do, and several secretly wish for a sex potion that could work wonders for them and give them the ultimate experience with their partner.

North Korea’s notorious leader Kim Jong-un has been in the news ever since he succeeded his father for various reasons ranging from executing his relatives to threatening nuclear strikes against the US. But the latest news about the man shows that his is a wish list just like another guy.

Kim Jong-un apparently asked scientists in his country to come up with three potions from sea urchins, snake extract and mushrooms soaked in alcohol, which can treat sexual dysfunction in men and increase their libido.

The tonic produced from this unusual demand might be available outside the country since its packaging is said to have instructions in English as well. The one made from sea urchins can allegedly also cure mental fatigue.

The medication coming from snake extracts can treat sexual ailments along with psoriasis and tuberculosis, and the one from mushrooms aides fatigue recovering and sexual function enhancement.

Pyongyang Times reported that these have been made by The Korea Oriental Medicine Development Centre, and don’t addict users or cause side effects.

