Men with a good sense of humour can enhance orgasms for women

The Asian Age With Agency Inputs

Life, Relationship

The study also found that creativity, emotional warmth and a pleasant body odour are traits that can affect orgasms in women.

Previous studies pointed out income and self confidence as factors (Photo: Pixabay)

Rising awareness around sexuality and more conversations about pleasure for both partners has led to a rising interest in the female orgasm. While a lot of research and several tips regarding better orgasms for women are available, there are number of factors it may depend on.

Although lasting long in bed, foreplay and getting adventurous in bed are known to be means for men to enhance orgasms for women; a man’s personality also plays a crucial role. Previous studies have stated that a partner’s income, self confidence and attractiveness can contribute to a good time in bed, but there’s more.

A new study comes as good news for men who may be low on income or confidence, as it found that a partner’s ability to make a woman laugh can make orgasms much better for her. A good sense of humour affected a woman’s tendency to initiate sex, how often they had sex and the frequency of orgasms.

Faithfulness, creativity, emotional warmth and body odour also figured on the list of characteristics possessed by guys likely to satisfy women in bed.

