3 inch needle embedded in teenagers foot removed after 40 min procedure

The Asian Age With Agency Inputs

Life, More Features

The needle's top part broke and got embedded deep under the skin after the teenager stepped on it.

The doctor called the process a fishing expedition (Photo: AFP)

A needle may not seem like a very harmful object but it can lead to a gruelling ordeal for a person once lodged deep enough to give even doctors a hard time removing it. While the task may seem simple, but utmost care needs to be taken to prevent further damage.

A teenager in California stepped on a sewing needle measuring between one and a half to three inches long and the top part broke and ended up getting embedded deep in his foot. What followed was a 40-minute procedure to dissect the foot as the needle was pulled out in a blood curdling moment.

The doctor who runs a clinic in California described the process in the excruciating footage as a fishing expedition as the needle was stuck deep under his skin.

