Quest for inner peace

The Asian Age.  | Sudha Umashanker

Life, More Features

One can be peaceful regardless of any external conflict or situation. To find inner peace, one has to make a choice.

Finding your peace, at times, is a lonely journey. Understand that peace can never be handed over to you on a platter by anyone.

It was one of those phases recently, filled with misunderstandings and conflict. My well meaning intentions and the spirit in which I made some observations were completely missed by those close to me. Needless to add, I was frustrated and my inner peace was shattered. Any attempt to justify and rationalise what I said or why I said it fell on deaf ears and a newer set of charges were levelled. I realised, after a point, that at such times there was no use in trying to explain oneself. It was better to temporarily back off, retreat into silence and reflect as it is a God sent opportunity for obtaining greater clarity and clearer perspective. Getting into a war of words was only guaranteed to escalate tensions and lead to frayed tempers. One could hold on to one’s convictions and beliefs quietly and firmly — not stubbornly, and wait.

Everyone agreeing with one’s views is not a pre-condition for inner peace.  Sometimes our ego comes in the way of acknowledging that there may be truth in what is being said and that must be transcended. Remember that it is not about who is right and who is wrong but the overall good that must be kept in mind at such volatile moments. If people fail to appreciate the truth in what is being said that does not make it less valid or diminish the truth in any way.

Forcing your views on others is never the ideal thing to do. It probably is a sign that the time is not right. See if you can change the way your message is being conveyed, tone it down without diluting it. Packaging does count after all! Maybe circumstances will conspire for a more opportune moment. There is also the fear of something drastic and untoward coming out of an I-won’t-budge-an-inch attitude leading to more bitterness. Will it then be worth it?

Used as we are to looking up to others for approval and reinforcement, discord makes us feel alone and somewhat sidelined. Finding your peace at such times is a lonely journey. Understand that peace can never be handed over to you on a platter by anyone, not even your spouse or siblings or parents or children. You have to seek and find peace all by yourself. And it is not as if once you have found it, it stays with you forever. It is definitely going to be disturbed every now and then and you have to seek it yet again. All this should actually strengthen and not weaken you and force you to look within. For that is where the inner peace resides so securely.

Even the most militant among us loses steam after a while. Conflict drains energies and we can, therefore, make a choice to keep fanning the flames or let it die down. Choose wisely without losing sight of your beliefs and convictions which is what defines you. Treat that part of you with respect, not apologetically or with arrogance.

The writer is a-spiritual and tarot card reader