Bready good!

The Asian Age.  | Aditi Jayakumar

Life, Food

Akka actress, Anupama Gowda, shares her favourite dessert — Bread Jamuns.

Anupama Gowda

Bread Jamuns

Brown bread, sliced
Milk as required
Milk powder and sugar (optional)
1 pinch of cardamom powder
1 tbsp ghee

Dip brown bread into water to soften the bread.
After it is soft; add milk, milk powder, sugar, almonds (crushed), and a pinch of cardamom powder and ghee. Make dough out of this by mixing well.
Keep aside for 10 minutes.
Make jamun balls out of the dough in the desired shape and fry in oil.
Once the colour turns brown, strain oil and dip the fried jamun balls into sugar syrup.
Serve hot with ice cream (optional).