‘Jihadi Sid’ hails Hitler in his video monologue

PTI  | Meenakshi Chakraverti

World, Others

A video has emerged which shows suspected Indian-origin ISIS jihadist Siddhartha Dhar praising Adolf Hitler.

A video has emerged which shows suspected Indian-origin ISIS jihadist Siddhartha Dhar praising Adolf Hitler.

Dhar, who has been dubbed “Jihadi Sid” by the British media, uploaded the monologue about his hatred of Jews and “Zionism” on YouTube in 2014.

Praising the Nazi leader, he is seen saying: “Other people were aware of this evil doctrine and they did things to stop it. Like Adolf Hitler.”

Dhar also mentions the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a discredited 1909 text claiming a Jewish plan for global domination, saying the document “exposes their (Jews) hatred of humanity”.

“They have no qualms with wanting to subjugate them (other religions), oppress them and exploit them,” he adds.

The 32-year-old former bouncy castle salesman from Britain is believed to be the masked man who appeared in a brutal ISIS beheading video.

The Hindu-born convert to Islam now goes by the name of Abu Rumaysah.

His sister, Konika Dhar, had appeared before a House of Commons home affairs committee hearing last week over the possibility of her brother being the masked man.

“I’m still holding to the firm belief that what I’m seeing is not him — and I haven’t had verification otherwise,” the law student had said.