Venkaiah Naidu calls all-party meet ahead of session

The Asian Age.

India, All India

For the Opposition, it will be the last chance to take on the government in the House.

M Venkaiah Naidu

New Delhi: A day before the Winter Session of Parliament commences, the government has called an all-party meeting on December 10 with an aim to build a consensus for a smooth conduct of the proceedings. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also attend the meeting. Rajya Sabha Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu has also called a meeting of floor leaders of parties in the Upper House at his residence on the same day.

The government will push for the passage of the “triple talaq” bill pending in the Rajya Sabha in the upcoming session.

It had earlier promulgated an ordinance to make the practice of instant triple talaq a penal offence. Among others, the meeting is expected to be attended by Leader of the Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad and the leader of the House and finance minister Arun Jaitley.

This will be the last full-fledged Parliament session before the 2019 Lok Sabha polls and the BJP-led NDA government will be keen to make it productive.

For the Opposition, it will be the last chance to take on the government in the House.

The results of the Assembly elections in five states, in which both the ruling BJP and the Congress have high stakes, are bound to cast a shadow on the parliamentary proceedings.