Olsson kicks off project for kids

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Sports, Football

Second Lady Salma Ansari recently launched ‘Football for Health’ for the children of Bapu School along with Breathe Easy India, Youth Football International and West Bromwich Albion Club officials to

Star Swedish footballer Jonas Olsson (second from right) interacts with the children of Bapu School in the capital on Monday.

Second Lady Salma Ansari recently launched ‘Football for Health’ for the children of Bapu School along with Breathe Easy India, Youth Football International and West Bromwich Albion Club officials to empower over 200 under-privileged children in the age group of 8-14 years.

Star Swedish footballer, Jonas Olsson kicked off the project and inspired kids to play football during an interaction with the children. Breathe Easy India hopes to use football and other sports to foster holistic development of under-privileged children across Delhi, and to ensure that they remain healthy.

Said Olsson later, “I wanted to see the real India, get out on the streets, in the slums and spend time with children who have a real passion for football. It was thrilling to witness the enthusiasm among the kids of Bapu School. Football is an excellent medium to holistically develop children.

“I think the efforts of NGOs like Breathe Easy India, Al Noor Charitable Society and Youth Football International can raise the skills of these kids from one level to another with proper guidance, nutrition and tips.”