Find out why oral sex may actually be good for you

The Asian Age With Agency Inputs

Life, Health

According to experts, vagina is full of good bacteria, called lactobacillus, which helps women fight off bad bacteria.

The vagina is full of good bacteria, called lactobacillus, which help women fight off bad bacteria down there. (Photo: Pixabay)

While it is generally sidelined as a foreplay (important, nonetheless), but treating the partner to a little oral sex is good for the health of both partners.

According to a new study, the health benefits include curing eczema, allergies and obesity.

According to the article published in The Sun, the vagina is full of good bacteria, called lactobacillus, which help women fight off bad bacteria down there.

They further add that vaginal discharge is also the body’s natural way of cleaning itself, whichis why gynaecologists recommend women only use warm water to wash their abdominal area, so that they do not upset the good bacteria.

Lactobacillus is a type of probiotic bacteria found in our digestive tracts, urinary and genital areas.

It turns out that Lactobacillus is used in products to treat diarrhoea, general digestion problems, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers, urinary tract infections, thrush and the common cold in adults.

Furthermore it can also treat skin disorders like mouth ulcers and eczema, according to Web MD.

Probiotics, or levels of good bacteria in the gut, are even thought to help us lose weight.

According to, Dr. Helena Mendes-Soares of the Mayo Clinic who spoke to Vice, while there is probably a lot of good bacteria, down there, swallowing it for health benefits is possible, but probably unlikely.

According to Helena there is anywhere between 100,000 and 100 million lactobacillus bacteria per gram of vaginal fluid.

So that would mean you'd have to swallow between 10 and 10,000 grams of vaginal fluid in one oral sex session - which would require a marathon foreplay session.

The question boils down to whether probiotics work or not. A 2010 study that compared the views of nine European clinicians found they agreed that certain probiotics were effective in reducing diarrhoea, IBS and digestive problems, but, also found that evidence for them being used to treat eczema was "promising but inconsistent".

