Tanushree Dutta calls out Ajay Devgn

The Asian Age.

Entertainment, Bollywood

The torchbearer of the MeToo movement in India criticises the Singham actor for working with Alok Nath.

Tanushree Dutta

Last year, Tansuhree Dutta took the nation by a storm when she openly accused Nana Patekar of sexually harassing her. It was as if she opened the floogates to MeToo accusations as women across industries, came forward with MeToo accounts. Among the names of alleged sexual offeneders in the Bollywood industry, Alok Nath’s name too had cropped up as writer-director Vinita Nanda accused Nath of allegedly raping her. When the accusations came to light, several from the industry put up a show of solidarity towards the survivors and took a firm stand against working with any of the alleged sexual offenders. However, Ajay Devgn seems to have swayed from this stand as he chose to work with Alok Nath in the upcoming film De De Pyaar De.

Alok Nath

In light of this, Dutta has voiced her opinion again, but this time against actor-producer Ajay Devgn for working with rape accused Alok Nath in the film De De Pyaar De.

“Tinsel town is full of liars, show-offs and spineless hypocrites. And it seems by a large public consensus that the signpost is pointing currently at Ajay Devgn. During the #MeToo movement in India, the actor had tweeted and sworn never to work with those accused and now in a surprising and convenient turn of events is working with rape and harassment accused Alok Nath and supporting him to make a comeback to Bollywood," Dutta said in a statement.

"Nobody even knew before the posters and trailers that Alok Nath is in the film, so if Ajay and the makers wanted they could have just quietly replaced him and re-shot his portions (which is barely 10-15 days for character actors in Bollywood), and given Vinta Nanda the respect she deserves as well as several other women who were troubled by this guy. But no, they had to keep the alleged rapist in their film and rub it on not only Vinta's but on all our faces as a show of solidarity with all rapists, molesters and harassers of Bollywood. And it is an even greater show of arrogance and defiance against all things morally and conscientiously right," the statement read.

Ajay Devgn

She further added, "It's time India wakes up and stops worshiping these morally bankrupt actors, directors, producers and others who clearly put on a facade of being family men just to promote their careers, that they build on the tears of women like Vinta and others whom they silence using their muscle power. If you dig deep, you will find skeletons in their closets so horrendous that it will totally make sense why they would stand supporting the accused rapists, harassers and abusers and why their conscience doesn't prick them while doing so and why they give evasive answers when questioned. Birds of a feather always flock together and that's why perhaps it doesn't bother some of these people to work with a guy who has been accused by several women of horrendous behaviour and that's why there's always an excuse."