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  Technology   In Other news  26 Feb 2020  10 ways to beat the exam stress with Alexa

10 ways to beat the exam stress with Alexa

Published : Feb 26, 2020, 9:06 am IST
Updated : Feb 26, 2020, 9:06 am IST

Did you know that your very own home assistant, Alexa, can actually help during this exam season.

Alexa to the rescue!
 Alexa to the rescue!

It’s that time of the year again, where students are nose deep in their books preparing for exams. A common accompaniment during exams is the oh-so-dreadful...stress. In most homes, digital gadgets are considered distractions. But, did you know that your very own home assistant, Alexa, can actually help during this exam season. Here’s how!

Can’t wake up on time?

Find it hard to wake up early in the morning for that one last revision and the only thing that will get you off the bed is getting up to your favourite song? Just ask, “Alexa wake me up to pop music at 6:00am” 

Reminder and Daily Routine:

If you’re one who follows a timetable when you study, then ask Alexa to set reminders for you to start Geography revisions at 4 pm and History revisions at 6 pm. But don’t forget to say "Alexa, remind me to take a break at 5:30 in the evening".

Can’t remember that one answer? Alexa to the rescue

Just ask "Alexa, when was the battle of Panipat fought?" or "Alexa, what’s the formula for methane” or even "What is the Pythagorean Theorem?" She’ll be able to help you in an instant. Better yet, just say "Alexa, open memory game" to strengthen those brain cells!

Alexa helps you beat the stress.

When the pressures of the exam begin to bog you down, Alexa can help you beat the stress. Just say "Alexa, I’m stressed" or "Alexa, open Headspace" and she’ll be able help you with options like guided meditation or relaxing music that helps you calm down.

Can’t fall asleep?

Alexa is here for you. Just say "Alexa, read my book from audible" or "Alexa, play Yoga Nidra for sleep" you’ll find yourself slowly dozing off.

Need to take your mind off for some time?

Ask Alexa to tell you a joke! And if you’re a huge Rajnikanth fan, ask for one of his jokes and she’ll have you bawling and gasping for air! You can even put her to the test by having her read your mind by saying "Alexa, play Akinator".

Feel like the exam was too easy and you need to put your mind to test?

Alexa’s mind games can help you keep your mind sharp and challenge you to think outside the box and gives you a break from the exam syllabus. Just say "Alexa, play finish the phrase" or "Alexa, open Math Quiz" to get those juices flowing.

Bonus! An exam is as stressful for parents as it is for children. Here’s how Alexa can help all you parents out there!

You need the stress relief too: Just ask Alexa to play relaxing music or say "Alexa, open guided meditation" and you should be able to calm those nerves!

Check on your kid: It’s hard being away at work wondering if your child is studying or distracted by that TV, just ask Alexa to send a message to you kid, checking if they’re doing fine.

Hungry Kids at home and no idea what to make? Alexa to the rescue! Just ask Alexa to order their favorite pizza from Dominos or say "Alexa, give me blueberry smoothie recipe" and she’ll pull out a step-by-step recipe by Sanjeev Kapoor to help you whip up something delicious in the kitchen

Tags: amazon, alexa, exams