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  Sports   Cricket  29 Dec 2018  Gavaskar, Kapil sing Srinivasan’s praise

Gavaskar, Kapil sing Srinivasan’s praise

Published : Dec 29, 2018, 6:31 am IST
Updated : Dec 29, 2018, 6:31 am IST

Srinivasan said if India doesn’t host the ICC event, other countries would become the biggest losers.

Sunil Gavaskar (Photo: PTI)
 Sunil Gavaskar (Photo: PTI)

Chennai: Former ICC chairman N. Srinivasan on Friday said the BCCI would soon regain its stranglehold on international cricket.

The ICC recently asked the BCCI to either pay $23 million as compensation for the tax deductions incurred in hosting the 2016 World T20 or end up losing the World Cup 2023 rights.

Srinivasan said if India doesn’t host the ICC event, other countries would become the biggest losers. “We are not going to lose anything. The power of cricket still remains with India, but we have given away our rights. But I am sure it will come back. Indian cricket has a strong system. We keep producing stars and the Indian cricket fabric is strong. International cricket can’t do without India,” said Srinivasan speaking at the launch of a coffee table book titled ‘Defying the Paradigm N. Srinivasan: Fifty years of an extraordinary journey’

Gavaskar said Srinivasan’s contribution to cricket is unmatchable. “He started so many welfare schemes for the players; like monthly pension. Even widows of former players are getting pensions and I don’t think it’s there in any other sport. I don’t think the cricketing fraternity is ever going to forget this. It’s an incredible evening and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything in the world,” he said.

Kapil said no one looks after the players better than Srinivasan. “A lot of people have come into cricket administration, but only a few made an impact. Any cricketer who played for India would vouch for that,” he added.

Tags: n srinivasan, sunil gavaskar