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Lebanon Page-2

Syria: UN first-aid convoy reaches stripped of vital medical supplies

A WHO official said the govt removed most medical material from UN vehicles including surgical kits, insulin and dialysis equipment.

05 Mar 2018 7:52 PM

ISIS claims responsibility for Saint Petersburg mall bombing

On Wednesday evening, a bomb was placed in a locker at a supermarket in Saint Petersburg which wounded 14 people including a pregnant woman.

30 Dec 2017 11:59 AM

Uber driver accused of murder says raped UK woman for ‘wearing short skirt’

Hawchieh had untowardly images and videos of ‘taking part in a sex act with a fish,’ on his Facebook profile.

28 Dec 2017 4:07 PM

British woman working with UK embassy murdered in Lebanon

‘Our first impression is that it's not politically motivated,’ says the official, who is involved in the investigation.

18 Dec 2017 4:37 PM

Syria: 53 civilians, including 21 children killed in Russian air strikes

The monitor had initially given a death toll of 34 civilians but the number spiked after more bodies were recovered.

27 Nov 2017 10:57 AM


Days after US-Russia presidential joint statement, ISIS recaptures Syrian town

ISIS recaptured Albu Kamal in eastern Syria to save the last urban bastion of its collapsing 'caliphate.'

12 Nov 2017 1:02 PM

Lebanon’s Hezbollah chief accuses Saudi for detaining PM Hariri

Saad Hariri announced his resignation in a surprise move that coincided with Saudi’s sweeping corruption purge.

11 Nov 2017 11:55 AM

Islamic State car bombing in Syria: 75 dead, 140 wounded

It was not the first attack attributed to IS against civilians fleeing Deir Ezzor.

05 Nov 2017 5:30 PM

ISIS chief Baghdadi calls on jihadists to 'resist' enemies in apparent recording

Rumours have abounded about Baghdadi's own health and movements, but his whereabouts remain unclear.

29 Sep 2017 8:17 AM

Lebanon finds suspected remains of troops held by ISIS

The families had gathered for hours in downtown Beirut amid blistering heat to await news of their loved ones.

28 Aug 2017 11:00 AM


42 civilians killed in US-led air strikes in Syrian city of Raqa: reports

Nineteen children and 12 women were among those killed in the raids, which hit several neighbourhoods in the northern city.

22 Aug 2017 3:45 PM

Syria Commandos kill 25 jihadists in central Syria: monitor

The raid allowed regime forces to seize control of three villages in the area, official news agency SANA reported the source as saying.

13 Aug 2017 3:33 PM

Syrian army takes ISIS-held town in Homs province, says monitor

Monitor says government troops have taken last ISIS-held town in Homs as army advances towards ISIL strongholds in east.

06 Aug 2017 8:07 AM

About 90,000 Iranians to attend Hajj after 2016 boycott over tensions with Saudi

Iran boycotted the Hajj in 2016 after hundreds of people, mainly Iranians, died in a crush at the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia in 2015.

31 Jul 2017 6:42 PM

Now, Syria monitor says ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi dead; US skeptical

Russia's military said in mid-June that it was seeking to verify whether it had killed the ISIS chief in an air strike in Syria in May.

11 Jul 2017 6:56 PM


5 suicide bombers attack Lebanese army during raids

4 of the suicide bombers struck in one camp near the border town of Arsal, wounding three soldiers.

30 Jun 2017 4:06 PM

Syria's Assad visits Russian air base after US warning

Assad has been touring areas north and northwest of Damascus in recent days, a rare trip out of his seat of power in the capital.

28 Jun 2017 11:38 AM

Gulf crisis seen widening split in Syria rebellion

Sunni-ruled monarchies sided with the protesters in March 2011, when the war started with the brutal repression of anti-govt demonstrations.

17 Jun 2017 12:00 PM

Russia to verify whether it killed IS leader after US-led coalition raises doubt

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a Russian strike in late May

16 Jun 2017 6:35 PM

Raqqa campaign cements rising profile of Syria’s Kurds

When Syria’s conflict began with anti-government demonstrations in March 2011, Kurdish leaders largely kept out of the nascent uprising.

08 Jun 2017 1:52 AM