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  Entertainment   Hollywood  17 Jan 2017  ‘Bizzare’ Nicole at Globes

‘Bizzare’ Nicole at Globes

Published : Jan 17, 2017, 12:36 am IST
Updated : Jan 17, 2017, 6:00 am IST

The actress crashed Tom Hiddleston’s red carpet interview, saying she was “determined” to have fun.

Nicole Kidman
 Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman’s been in the news a lot in the recent past, and now it’s not all good news. According to a report in Woman’s Day, the actress set off a few alarm bells with her “bizarre” and “loose” behaviour at last Sunday’s Golden Globe Awards.

According to the report, “some observers wondering whether she’d had a few too many pre-show wines”, after she interrupted Tom Hiddleston’s red carpet interview to simply say, “Sorry to crash. I’m so happy to be here and I’m determined to have fun. That’s why I came here and did that.”

The magazine also alleged that Nicole later shooed away a cocktail waitress but was “constantly ushering over” waiters that were serving pizza.

Tags: nicole kidman, golden globe awards, woman’s day