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nato Page-2

FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi briefs NATO on India-Pak tensions

After the meeting, Qureshi was quoted as saying that the talks were important for the Pakistan-NATO understanding and relationship.

25 Jun 2019 8:59 AM

US warn Turkey of facing 'very negative' consequences over S-400 deal

Turkey has repeatedly rejected US ultimatums for cancelling S-400 shipments and the purchase of American Patriot batteries instead.

23 May 2019 11:29 AM

UK warned 16 NATO Nations of Russian hacking attempts: Foreign Minister

Britain has shared with 16 NATO allies details of malicious Russian cyber activity in their countries over the last 18 months.

23 May 2019 9:40 AM

Who burned Notre Dame? Brussels goes after fake news as EU election nears

By funding fact-checking organisation Brussels hopes to shield the 427 million people eligible to vote for 751-seat EU chamber on May 23-26.

16 May 2019 2:26 PM

UN warns of worsening humanitarian situation in Libya

Fierce fighting for control of Libya's capital that has displaced thousands of people, threatens to bring further damage.

29 Apr 2019 4:54 PM


In hidden mountain air base, Albania stores jets for sale

The communist-era jets, which include MiG-19, MiG-17 and MiG-21 models among others, have been out of commission for well over a decade.

02 Apr 2019 8:46 AM

NATO chooses BlackBerry’s encrypted voice technology to secure its calls

The NCI Agency helps NATO’s 29 member-nations communicate securely and work together in smarter ways.

16 Mar 2019 1:27 PM

Dropping weapons treaty would let US update its nuclear arsenal

President Donald Trump announced on Friday the US was suspending its obligations under the INF treaty.

03 Feb 2019 12:26 PM

Report raises fresh doubts over Trump's NATO commitment

Fresh doubts surfaced Tuesday over President Donald Trump's commitment to NATO

16 Jan 2019 11:09 AM

Bill to remove Pakistan as major non-NATO ally introduced in US Congress

The resolution 73 seeks termination of Pakistan as major non-NATO ally and also sets conditions for its re-designation if any.

13 Jan 2019 4:03 PM


Norway says Russia jammed GPS signal during NATO drill

The ministry said that Norway’s Foreign Ministry earlier had raised the issue with Russian authorities.

14 Nov 2018 8:53 AM

'Don't throw baby out with bath water': Germany to US on INF treaty

Trump said on Saturday that Washington would withdraw from INF Treaty because Russia was violating it, an accusation Moscow denies.

23 Oct 2018 10:46 AM

Trump taking US on path of confrontation with Beijing

Many Europeans are now seeking closer economic and political relations with Moscow and Beijing.

20 Aug 2018 5:12 AM

Will get Samsung, boycott iPhone: Turkey prez in retaliation to US sanctions

Erdogan said Turkey was facing an 'economic attack' and a 'bigger, deeper operation' but showed no sign of making concessions to US.

14 Aug 2018 3:54 PM

This tiny nation's 'aggressive' army of 2000 will trigger World War 3: Trump

US Prez made the comments in interview responding to question about NATO's Article 5 which states attack on 1 member is attack on all.

20 Jul 2018 12:23 PM


If Nato were to collapse, would it really be such a bad thing?

Trump left the Nato summit claiming a victory, as he is inclined to do, with little evidence.

19 Jul 2018 12:05 AM

Will cancel summit if US seeks 'one-sided' demands to give up nukes: N Korea

It is sudden and dramatic return to the rhetoric of the past by Pyongyang, after months of rapid diplomatic rapprochement on the peninsula.

16 May 2018 10:09 AM

India, Pak to partake in multi-nation counter-terror exercise for first time

The military exercise will take place under the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

29 Apr 2018 3:49 PM

Mike Pompeo, in Saudi Arabia, talks tough on Iran, Gulf dispute

Pompeo was meeting on Sunday with Saudi King Salman, whose country along with Bahrain and the UAE is embroiled in a row with Qatar.

29 Apr 2018 12:05 PM

Russia’s warning to allies are ‘unacceptable’: NATO

The Crimea crisis has given NATO a new sense of purpose, but alliance insists its new deterrents in the Baltics and Poland are defensive.

03 Mar 2018 8:17 AM