
Class improvement exams now for 2 semister

In a bid to ensure that students appearing for the final exams under the credit based grading system (CBGS) can improve their results, the University of Mumbai, as per the academic council decision, h

In a bid to ensure that students appearing for the final exams under the credit based grading system (CBGS) can improve their results, the University of Mumbai, as per the academic council decision, has allowed students to appear for class improvement in two semesters. According to officials, the announcement was made on December 19 and will be effective from this academic year.

A university official said on the condition of annonymity that the decision had been taken by the previous academic council in its meeting on August 31, but due to certain technical reasons the announcement was delayed. “The AC had given its approval in the last meeting but as the implementation needed the different faculties to be prepared, the announcement was deferred. It will be applicable for under graduate and post graduate students of the arts, science and commerce faculties,” said the official.

However, former senate member Sanjay Wairal said that the new CBGS system on the 80:20 scoring pattern made scoring difficult for students. Hence, various representations had been made to the university to provide an avenue for the students to improve their scores. “The decision is a welcome one as it will allow students wanting to go for further studies an opportunity to improve their scores through the class improvement exam. It will also be beneficial for students wanting to pursue post graduate studies in special subjects as the criteria for admission to post graduate and doctoral study is 55 per cent marks,” said Mr Wairal. He also added, “Previously grading was done on the last two semesters, however as grading is now based on all semesters, it will help students improve their grades.”

The university official added that the class improvement exam would be held a month after the declaration of the results. Details of the same would be announced in the days to come. The university may also contemplate implementing the exams on all six semesters, said the official.

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