Minister asks MLAs to raise awareness
In a bid to contain air pollution during Diwali, environment minister Imran Hussain on Friday wrote to members of the Delhi Assembly urging them to raise awareness against bursting crackers by holding walks, “mohalla sabhas” and involving the student community. As part of the government’s campaign against crackers, CM Arvind Kejriwal and his deputy Manish Sisodia had already written to educational institutions seeking their cooperation in the initiative. In his letter, Mr Hussain noted that Diwali is to be held at a time when the city is “reeling under the menace of pollution.” “As representatives of the people you can raise awareness in an effective fashion and take the message to the people through padyatras, mohalla sabhas,” he said.
Mr Hussain also requested the MLAs to apprise their constituents of how pollution levels rise during winters due to atmospheric conditions.
“During winters, the lower strata of the atmosphere becomes cold for which particulate matters can’t escape and accumulate in large quantities unlike other seasons. Crop burning in neighbouring states adds to that and bursting of crackers during Diwali makes the situation worse,” he said.
Stating the harmful effects of crackers in the form of heart and nerve-related diseases, Mr Hussain said how they pose trouble for the children and the elderly.