EDMC wants to be under MHA
Suffering from a severe financial crunch, the East Delhi Municipal Corpora-tion on Thursday passed a proposal to bring the civic body under the charge of the Union home ministry.
Ram Narayan Dubey, Lea-der of House in the BJP-ru-led East Corporation, said, “The EDMC standing committee passed this proposal since the Delhi chief minister, under whose jurisdiction it functions, has openly claimed that his government has nothing to do with the municipal corporation.”
In an open letter published recently in newspapers, CM Arvind Kejriwal had said that there is a “mi-sconception” among the pe-ople that municipal corpor-ations come under the Delhi government. It is “abso-lutely” incorrect, he had sa-id. The proposal put before the standing committee sta-ted that the Municipal Corporation of Delhi earlier functioned under the Union home ministry, but after its trifurcation through Municipal Corporation of Delhi Act, 2012, the then Congress chief minister Sheila Dikshit brought it under the control of the state government.
As per the MCD Act 2012, the charge of financial upkeep, posting of senior officers and transfer of staff and many other powers, were brought under the charge of the Delhi government, Mr Dubey said.
It was alleged in the proposal, which was considered and passed by the EDMC standing committee, that the Kejriwal government is “running away” from its responsibilities and “misguiding” people of Delhi while the civic body is in a “financial mess.”
The proposal was passed by the eight-member EDMC standing committee. The passed proposal in form of a resolution has been sent for the consideration of L-G Najeeb Jung, who will take a call on it, EDMC standing committee chairperson Lata Gupta said.